Saturday, 8 March 2014

Day 4--quick, it's almost over!

Jesus said to them in reply, 'It is not those that are well who need the doctor, but the sick.
I have come to call not the upright but sinners to repentance.'
LUKE 5: 31-32

Do you ever feel like your place is not in church because you're not like those goodie-goodies who don't kill a fly? Who wants to deal with all those self-righteous people!! GROSS!

But, have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, the people that are in there go because they feel sick and are looking for the Doctor of doctors? Have you ever stopped to think--'hmm... I wonder what's the story behind this person?' or 'what do they seek to get from here?'
Maybe they seek the exact same thing that it's missing in your heart. I know I do. Because, you and I, we are dirty and sick. And, deep down, we want cleanliness and healing. We are the tax collector. We are the prostitute. We are the Samaritan woman who had had five husbands. We need Jesus to repair our brokenness. 
So what if instead of judging these people we reach out? What if instead of scoffing we smile? Oh, the endless possibilities!! Remember what God wanted from us yesterday--to reach out to those in need. That includes emotional and spiritual need as well!
So, if you are needy of love, or forgiveness, or peace, reach out to Jesus. And reach out to me. We are hungry for the same things, but He is our doctor, our healer. Are you tired, are you in pain, are you bitter, are you lost? The Doctor's got the cure. But you have to let him in the door first.

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