Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Day 21--Be like her!!!

Mary said, 'You see before you the Lord's servant, let it happen to me as you have said.' And the angel left her.

LUKE 1:38

Wow to the wow to the wow. So I've been beating in your head the idea to trust God for 20 days now. But what better example can I put before you than Mary's! She was a teenage girl. She was a virgin. And here comes this angel and tells her that God wants her to have His baby?!?!?!?!?! This would make Mary liable to be stoned, according to the law of the Jews.

She could have been killed over this. Just let that sink in for a moment. Besides... she really was just a teenage girl!! Think of girls you know that have gotten pregnant at 15 or 16... the reaction is not generally "oh, yes, about time!" is it? It's mostly panic. So imagine how Mary felt.


This was an angel telling her what God wanted to do. Notice: not telling her "God is going to do this, period", but more like "God would like to do this with you, what do you think?" He gives her a choice. And her response is not a half-hearted "ugh, *teenage scoff*... I guess..." It's not only just a "yes". It is "I am the Lord's servant", meaning "I will do whatever You ask me, Lord!"

Oh, that we were a bit like Mary! That we would completely surrender to the will of God! That we would take that jump into the abyss of faith! Then the Lord would catch us and exalt us! Then our souls would glorify the Lord like Mary's did!!!!! 

Mary, my mother, help me be like you!

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