Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Day 15--Fathers and sons

"I shall be a father to him and he a son to me; if he does wrong, I shall punish him with a rod such as men use, with blows such as mankind gives."

2 SAMUEL 7:14

In this passage, God is telling King David that his son, Solomon, would be a son to Him. What does fatherhood entitle? Love, of course. But also discipline. To the point of punishment. But not a punishment for revenge, for anger, or for jealousy. A punishment to mend us, to get us in the right path. But you know, the thing about God's "punishment" is... it's never really punishment in the sense we think because something good always comes out of it!

I promise. And do know that sickness, loss, or death are not "punishments". Sometimes God allows those things to happen for something greater to come out of it. Death is a part of life, so is our lot. But if we rely on God during those difficult times, then He will see us through. 

And if you've been abandoned, mistreated, or neglected by your earthly father, do know that God is your Father!

Today is the feast of St. Joseph, the adoptive father of our Lord Jesus. If you are a man, may you strive to be like St. Joseph: an excellent father, an admirable husband. And if you are a lady, pray to God that you find a husband like him (wink, wink).

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