Saturday, 22 March 2014

Day 18--The Prodigal Son

'So he left the place and went back to his father. 'While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with pity. He ran to the boy, clasped him in his arms and kissed him.'

LUKE 15:20

This is hands down my favorite parable told by Jesus. It's the story of the prodigal son: some kid who tells his dad to give him his inheritance ahead of time, goes to a foreign country, spends all the money, ends up working with pigs and realizing that he really messed up, so he decides to come back home and ask his dad to take him as one of the servants.

But in this verse we read that when his father saw him he ran to meet him, hugged him and kissed him. Imagine... an old man... just sitting out in his porch and seeing his long-lost son from the distance. Imagine that same old man running, spreading his arms, clasping his son as if he was a little boy, covering his face with kisses! And his son had just been walking home, probably for days, and... even worse: he had been working among pigs (the pig being a very filthy, unholy animal for the Jewish people). Imagine how he looked and how he smelled... and his dad didn't care! His boy, his baby (he is the younger son) is back. He rejoices!

That's how God loves us!!!

And when we turn back to God with all of our hearts, He runs out to greet us, embraces us, kisses us, and throws a party up in heaven because we were lost, but now we are found.

How wonderful is our God! You see, this father never reproaches, never asks 'why are you wearing these rags? Why do you smell so filthy? Where's the money I gave you?' When we repent and come back to the Lord, He doesn't scold. He takes us in and overpowers us with love.

Come to the Father, He is out in the porch, looking out, longing for you, ready to greet you!!!

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