28 One of the scribes who had listened to them debating appreciated that Jesus had given a good answer and put a further question to him, 'Which is the first of all the commandments?'
30 and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.
31 The second is this: You must love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.'
MARK 12: 28-31
Well, if you wanted a condensed version of what God wants from you, this is it. It doesn't get any simpler than that. All the other commandments stem from this. And we've talked about it--when you love God, you want to please Him and do what is good.
But I think we might have a bigger problem with the second half of this commandment. And not because loving 'thy neighbour' is hard (it really is), but because too many of us struggle with loving ourselves.
Just as we are. Just as we look.
Yeah, you might think this is usually a girl issue, but I've met countless men who struggle with loving themselves as well. And the thing is, if you don't love yourself, it is impossible for you to truly love others. Because when we don't love ourselves, we start looking to other people for reassurance, for giving us a self-esteem boost, for making us feel important. And that's not real love... that's more like selfishness. Love is about giving without expecting in return! Love is Christ in the cross!!!
So if you struggle to accept yourself as you are: short, too tall, chubby, skinny, too dark, too pale, etc etc etc... lift up your heart to Jesus today. Ask Him to let you see yourself as He sees you!
Oh, and if you're narcissistic and think you are the hottest thing in this planet--well, bad news bears... you're doing it wrong. We are not beautiful because the world, the over-sexualizing media, tells us. We are beautiful simply because we were created by Him who only makes beautiful, good, whole things!!! And we were made in love--no matter if your parents say you were 'an accident'. God had you planned since before you were born. You are no accident. You are precious. You are worthy. You are enough!
I struggle with my body-image too. But I ask Jesus to fill up the holes made by my insecurities with His love and joy! Come Holy Spirit, come heal our hearts and minds from the unrealistic expectations of this world. Come move within us!
May the Lord teach you how to truly love yourself, that you may love others and change the world!
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