JOHN 13:13-15
Here's the thing about Jesus: you might feel like He's constantly asking for too much of his followers (us), right? But everything He asks for He follows by His own example. Look here--the King of Kings, God incarnate, washing some guys' dirty feet! Remember back then they wore sandals everywhere and they had no pavement, so imagine the state of those feet. And He washed them, physically lowering Himself in an act of humility.
And He tells us 'if you love me, you would do as I do! If I am your teacher, then learn from me!'
How many times do we lower ourselves to do such a task? And I'm speaking symbolically here--not necessarily washing another person's feet (unless required) but lowering ourselves to the state of a servant who washes feet. St. Francis of Assisi, for example, used to treat lepers' wounds and hug and kiss them--rotting flesh and all!
Yes, that makes me shudder as well (in a bad way) because we're just not used to going out of our ways to such an extreme for people. But Jesus did it for love. And St. Francis did it for love (he asked Jesus to show Himself in the lepers' faces). What is your love sacrifice?
You can start small, at home, with your friends. But don't limit yourself to those you love--after all, didn't Jesus say that there people who do bad things also just love their loved ones?
I know this is very hard! We have this tendency to wanting to receive when we give and to want to feel all dignified, but humbling yourself at the service of others does not make you less of a person!
I once served in a youth conference where my job was solely to set up chairs and take out the trash. And it was a beautifully enriching experience to know that you are doing your part in God's mission!
And speaking of practice what you preach: what other proof do you need from Jesus? He humbled himself by dying the most horrible death even though He was innocent. But He also humbled himself to become a piece of bread and little bit of wine. In all his power and majesty He could have just said "no, these people are not worthy of my inhabiting in them". Instead, He said "this is my body, this is my blood, eat me, drink me, so that I may dwell in you!"
The mystery of it all! That the God of all the universe can be chewed on and gulped in by us!!! Not even the angels have that privilege!
Today, meditate on the gift of the Eucharist and ask the Lord to transform you through His body and blood so that you can be that servant He needs you to be. And thank Him for the sacrifice you didn't deserve, and for His love. And you know what? Make sure you don't leave the church without telling Him how much you love Him.
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