Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Day 29--Mama God??????????

'Can a woman forget her baby at the breast, feel no pity for the child she has borne? Even if these were to forget, I shall not forget you.'
ISAIAH 49:15

I love this verse of the Bible, you guys. It makes me tremble!!! You know, we constantly think of God as a father figure, and many people think of Him as a God who punishes (we've talked about this more than enough). But to have God compare himself to a mother... that's weird, huh? But it's so beautiful and so reassuring. Because when I am afraid, when I am worried, when I am sad, when I feel like my life is falling apart, I tend to have this reaction: I want my mommy. And to have the all-powerful, all-knowing, omnipresent God of eternity tell us that even if a mother forget her baby He will never forget us is well... awe-stricking. Moms don't really need a reason to love us other than our being their kids, right? It's the same with God. Love for love's sake. 
Except God tells us that His love goes a step further because, even if you have a broken relationship or don't have a relationship at all with the person who is supposed to love you the most, He, Yahweh, will never forget you. Your name is engraved in the palms of His hands. You are forever His!!!!!!!! And God's love did go a step further when He sent Jesus to pay off the debt of our sins.
Oh, if we could fully comprehend the love of God, if we could fully understand those words, I shalll never forget you. Never ever ever ever ever ever never ever never never never never. I hope I'm getting the point across.

And if you feel like "well, God, my mom in fact did forget me" or "my mom doesn't love me" or the like, God is here for you, to heal that hurt. And if you feel like "eeh... no... I just can't see God as my mother figure... it's weird," well, guess what? He has that covered too. At the foot of the cross, when Jesus is dying for our sins, He tells his apostle John "behold, your mother", referring to Jesus' own mom, Mary. So Jesus gives John a mother and thus symbolically gives us a mother. Imagine! Mary had to see her son being killed in the most brutal way and knowing it was because of our sins. Yet she still forgives us and loves us and cares about us!

So, may you feel the overwhelming, awe-striking, revolutionizing love of God. And may you find in Mary the tender love you seek!

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