Thursday, 10 April 2014

Day 37-- THE GREAT I AM!

'Jesus replied: In all truth I tell you, before Abraham ever was, I AM.'

JOHN 8:58

If you have ever heard a 'Christian' say that Jesus was the son of God but was not actually God, this is the Bible verse you should have thrown at their face (figuratively). 

This blog is usually a space to talk about the love of God and turning to Jesus and all that, but today I want to address this issue because I've encounter endless numbers of people who claim to believe in Jesus but don't believe in his divinity. Look, in this passage, Jesus tells the Jews, firstly, that before Abraham ever existed, He was already around. Secondly, Jesus calls himself 'I AM', which is the name of God himself as revealed to Moses in the burning bush-- YAHWEH,  the holy name of God, which translates into 'I AM'. So Jesus is telling the Jews He existed before Abraham because He himself is God--no room for discussion. And if you think Jesus was just using symbolism, take a look at the Jews' reaction: they almost stone Him because to them this was a great blasphemy.

So if you ever had a question about the divinity of Jesus, please do yourself a favor and study Scripture. It's all in there. 100% God. 100% man. How? Just because God can do it. Is the offspring of a horse a horse? Yes. Is the son of a man a man? Duh. So what is the Son of God? Bingo. If he were just a simple human, why would we think that his sacrifice in the cross would have the power to redeem the whole world? So when Jesus says I AM, imagine the split reaction: some people tore their garments in indignation, but others must have been like: 

May we be like the latter!! May the name of Jesus  make our hearts tremble!!

'that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth' (Phil 2:10).

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